Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Must Do- technology on the bus

This week at tech on the bus to tech I sat with Samantha.W and Emma  we only talked to each other and the rest of bus seemed reasonably quiet.
When the bus stopped there was a little bit of pushing to get off the bus but that wasn't to bad.
On the way back to school I sat with Jessica and mad a small conversation only talking to her. The rest of the bus was a lot louder then on the way there.
Overall i was OK and could have been quieter.

Librarian- Can Do Merit

This week for Librarian I was reading to the juniors with Jessica.
After grabbing some books and bean bag we headed down to the junior area where I found a  girl who looked lost so I offer to read to her which she happily agreed to  after I'd nearly finished my first book  I had a group of 6 kids listening.
after I finished the first book  I choose one of the kids to pick another which they really liked because they got the chose there favorite books.
Overall it was the best turn up I'd ever had and thoroughly enjoyed it.
also all the kids got a poiz for choosing a good lunch time activities. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Merit House Point Cooniter- Swimming Fun Day (can do)

Last Friday the whole school went down to jellie park for our swimming fun day the kaknoas went in the pool well the Kauai did races.
me and reia as well as doing our races had to tally up point which they eared though winning there races and being good be cheering and listening to the person specking (we handed out around 500 pozis) me and reia had to tally them up frequently.
we also had house game which was a great opportunity to win house points.
overall it was really fun and was one of my fist time a leader :)

Monday, 22 February 2016

W.A.L.T: Describe the traits of an effective leader

WALT: Describe the traits of an effective leader

This week for reading we read books about a leaders my favourite was More then a Mountaineer which was about Sir Edmund Hillary this is what I did showing the traits of leadership 
overall I really enjoyed learning about other leaders