Thursday, 22 September 2016

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

In this project I was working with Jessica and we decided to create a storybook aimed at juniors

In this project we decided that our success criteria were:

A good Children’s Story needs...
Why is this important?
Eye catching covers
Because then it will look interesting and the kids will want to read it
An interesting title
If the title is good then they will want to read it and find out what the story is about
Colourful illustrations
Because then it will look nice and they will want to read it. It surprises the reader when they turn the page and will want to keep reading
Jokes spread around the book
So it makes the book funny and interesting
Rhyme if you can
It will sound interesting and if you're trying to get a point through to the reader then they will understand easier with the rhyme

Overall our project  meets this criteria because it is eye catching design and inserting plot that will engage a younger audience

Our final project completed

Book titled 'The Wonderous Water Warriors'Read this free book made on StoryJumper

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

improvisation TECHNIQUES that I have used successfully are To keep converation going by not dying and actpecting the fact that you are where ever your partener/s saying.

WALT apply the techniques of improvisation to a range of different scenarios.

Improvisation TECHNIQUES that I would like to have more practise at are Thinking of good ideas on spot and not spend time trying to think of the answer to questions

The thing that I enjoyed most about this unit of learning was we didn't have scripted line and we could create what ever charter we want because it made it easier and more fun

The thing that I found most challenging during this unit of learning was thinking of something on the spot without knowing what I was going to say

My favourite improvisation game was the party game because you could create any character and interpret it in your own way

Friday, 16 September 2016

Koru Games

The sport I did was touch

My two highlights were...

  1. Getting involved in my sport Because we really got to know each other as a team.
  2. Improving on my skill over each game.

  I am proud of scoring a try because I helped my team 

Some advice I'd give to future years is, To get involved even if you aren't really into sport 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Care progress

CARE: My progress so far

The CARE award that I am working towards is:  Bronze

The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: Active thinking           because:I am ace hiving that award the quickest

The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is:  Excellence            because:I am barely getting an ticks in that area

To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: I am a role model to Juniors by doing every thing on the chart so they can follow.

On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Extended Abstract           because: I can do all the care values by self and can role model it to others





Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.

I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.

I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.

I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.