Sunday, 27 November 2016

Excellence Leadership

Reia and I have had a very busy year totalling up house points. Basically what our job is touring around classes totalling up points and putting it into a presentation to announce the points to the entire school, attending weekly leadership meetings etc. After all that the house points are soon coming to a finale. Throughout this whole year of attending meetings, counting pozis, helping out with events I am proud to say I really enjoyed.
I showed leadership within my role by putting 100% in all tasks I was given. The CARE value I've shown was...Every single one of them because I think I have shown every aspect there is to leadership.

Here is a sneak peek of what I do every friday...

Term 1 Points168714432030
POD Certs
Term 2 Points3343286031953320
POD Certs
Cross country1077812580
POD Certs
Term 3 Points1693180821772226
POD Certs
Term 4 Points2438259623132067
POD Certs

Excellence Leadership

House points is nearly coming to the end and it soon will be the fun day for the winning house.Pretty much every week of the year I spend most of my Friday counting and collecting points I really enjoy doing this.But One my favourites things Is going to big events like Cross country,Run,bike,Run,Oaklands Swim day and many more.Some things that are involved Is people recognising you across the school and greeting you even if they do mistake me for Reia. Overall I will really miss this role next year and Hopefully who ever takes my role will like it as much as I did.
How I showed leadership was by having a great time but making sure I always did my work.The care vaule I showed was community by helping and talking to others

Excellence librarian

Because of librarian stock taking I have not been able to do librarian. So again I will have to do a review of my experience at being a librarian this year...
At the start of the year I chose to be a librarian because of my passion for reading (particularly to little kids), helping people select the right books and collaborating to students different book, author, characters and genres etc. In present now that I am not doing librarian I have discovered how much I have thoroughly enjoyed these listed things and more!
I have shown leadership in librarian this year by helping out and communicating with others. The C.A.R.E value I've shown most is community for much the same reason :)

Excellence Librarian

Everyone in the school has been busy returning making sure the books are ready for stock taking, So that means for me I haven't been able to do Librarian. So Again I am doing a review but not of the whole year but just this term so I can compare to previous terms and see how well I've done. This term I have been doing Two day Wednesdays and Tuesdays so I can help out  Emma's who's partner rarely shows up. I think this has really made me a better Librarian Because I see the same kids two days in a row and can ask what books they want me to bring the next day.Overall I have really enjoyed every aspect of it and hope everyone Else did two.

Excellence Leadership

On Wednesday There was the Juniors Run,Jump,Throw Which the buddy programme Has been taking lesson with them to train them up.Which I have been doing every Friday of this term taking about 7 kids and helping them by playing games or showing them the technique. Each lesson had been planned out so we wouldn't be lost on the day.Overall It was really great watching them on the actual day and seeing how much they had improved and giving house points away (which made them very happy)
How i showed leadership was by really helping the kids out making sure they got the most out of there lesson.The CARE Value I showed was community by helping others.

Excellence Librarian

 I have not had Librarian Much Since it is nearly the end of term.So here is a review  of How have gone this year?I have have been doing all things at the library this year like reading to juniors,putting books away ,helping out when needed ect: Some of my favourites parts have been really just helping when needed like helping out with bookmarks,When the library's really busy,when someones sicks ect; Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed helping out in what ever way I could.
How I showed Leadership was By helping out in the best way I could and giving effort towards everything.I think the CARE Value I showed was Excellence Because again I gave 100% towards everything.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Excellence Leadership

Since We have not had a leadership meeting in ages I am going to do a Review of how I have enjoyed it and what I have done.All the way back at the start of the year we told to read a book about leaders,How you could become a better leader and how you could be a role model.I think this book really helped me grow as a leader.I have used many of the tips without realizing it.Some of the best tips that have really helped me was 'Leadership Is So Much Bigger Than Simply Representing The School At Various Events' and also  make sure you are serious but also Fun. I think those are really important and I hope next years leader will take that on as well.
How Is showed leadership was by taking on what the book said and trying new things.The Care value I showed was Excellence as I did my very best in everything that came my way.

Excellence Librarian

Since Mrs Ward is stock-taking books and the Library is closed I don't need to do Librarian So I am going to do a review of going down and reading books to the juniors.Every Wednesday since the start of the year. Jessica and I have been going down to the juniors and reading them books From Barbie books to Lego books.This has been my personal favorite because I love going and seeing the kids pointing out there favorites dresses or characters from the books.I really enjoy seeing the same kids who come week after week.
Overall it is really really fun reading to them even if it is the same book over and over. How I show leadership is by making sure they get there most of there lunch time. The care value I show is  Excellence because I think I gave 100% every time I went down there.

Excellence leadership

Today due to it being pet day Reia and I couldn't do house points in the morning due to all the classes at the pet parade.That means Reia and i had to do it was in the afternoon.This week I was on kauri well Reia was on Kakno. It was fair to say there were less house points most likely because  it is nearly the end of term.
How I showed leadership was by doing the house points quickly So I could make up for time I missed in the morning. The care Value I showed was community by making sure I didn't disturb the classes.
After we had finished we dropped the poiz's at the office and i counted them up here are the final points..

1st Rata on 2569
2nd Miro on 2438
3rd kowhai on 2313
4th Rimu on 2067

Excellence Librarian

Most morning's I go into the library and help set up the computer when Mrs Ward  is away or is still in the office.I basically just set up the computer for the day or get books out for people or return the. Quite a few parents come in as well to return books or get books out.Especially since it is nearing the end of the term.I usually do this with Alicia or Honor.Overall i really enjoy helping out in the morning and getting to work on the computer.
How I show leadership is by helping out other people finding the right books and making sure there books aren't over due.The care VALUE I show was excellence because I showed leadership in all aspect's.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals.

Sweat shirt:
The Surf Shop-$42            Price difference
Surf the Waves-$43.20             $1.20

The Surf Shop-$84            Price difference
Surf the Waves-$76.80             $7.20

The Surf Shop-$33.60           Price difference
Surf the Waves-$37.40             $3.80

The Surf Shop-$60.20           Price difference
Surf the Waves-$48                    $12.20
Least you could spend: $200.40
Most you  could spend: $224.80
What you could save: $26

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Te Reo, Term 4 2016.

Te Reo, Term 4 2016.

This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that…….

  • The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
  • The Marea is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
  • The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
  • There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
  • Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between maraes and iwi.

We have focussed on some key concepts when doing this learning.
These are listed and explained in the table below.

Definition -
give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.
They are customs(way of doing things)
Is a welcoming ceremony on the marae
Tangata whenua
When locals go to marae and are connected to it either through genealogy or by association.
Visitors and guests to a marae 
A place you feel at home and can feel safe.
Relationship, Sense of family connection(belonging)
A care for person/s well being and health 
Means Love.This comes under respect,concern ect;

See this video for an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of people on a marae.

Something I would like to learn more about the marae is How the marae came to place and who were the creators of it?

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Excellence Leadership

Since we haven't had many meeting over the past weeks I am going to do a review of my leadership at Oaklands. I have progress hugely from the start of my year to now, In all areas from interacting to different people to doing the house points itself.Some my favorites parts of the year were helping out in big events like the cross country,run bike run ect; I have also enjoyed going around to the juniors and people recognizing me as 'The house points Lady' Other then that it has been a busy year doing house points every Friday. Overall it been a pretty good year.
How I showed leadership was trying my best everything that has came my way. the CARE value I showed was Excellence because again I gave 100% effort towards everything.

Excellence Leadership

This week the leaders ran assembly so for our meeting we were handing out roles and scripts.Other then that we have had no  real meeting.Later that week on Friday Reia and I  did house points going around the school tallying points.This week I was kauri. There were a bit more points then usual most likely due to everyone getting points nearing the end of the term.after all that here are the final points
Fourth place on 1830  is  Rimu
In Third place on 2073 Kowhai
In  second place on 2171 Miro
In first place on 2343 Rata
How I showed  leadership was moving around the school quickly and i made sure not to cause to much disruption.The CARE Value I showed  respect because I made sure i was respectful to all classrooms that I went in.
In first place on 2343

Excellence Must do -Help out around the school

Today it wasn't even my day for Librarian but while the other people who were on went down to the juniors Jessica and I helped out with the bookmarks. It wasn't as popular as the day before but today we had more older kids so it was much  more easier to mange.Even though we weren't as popular we made heaps of book marks because everyone made 2 or 3 due to how many there were.Overall it was really fun helping out and making bookmarks.
How I showed leadership was stepping in for Mrs Ward.When the library was really busy and ensuring everything was done.The CARE value I showed was community because I was helping kids make the best bookmarks they could.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Excellence leadership

Today it was our leader meeting we basically went over our job descriptions reviewing what we have and haven't done.I learnt I need to focus more on my badges and be coming visible around the school.Hope fully by the end of term I should succeed in my goals.I also learnt that I am am completing most things
Last Friday Reia and I had lots of House points to due to athletics and spent nearly the whole afternoon counting and tallying the points.It was really good because everyone had there points counted which made it easier for us.
The care value I showed was excellence because I tried my very best focusing on my goals well doing my points. How I showed leadership was by being a role model to anyone who saw me:)

Excellence Librarian

Today Jessica and i was about to do reading to juniors as usual but instead miss ward decided for us to help us by doing bookmarks out the back which was surprisingly fun helping out year 1s to seniors making there book marks. we had loads of book marks there were really simple ones with basic designs and we also had more harder ones.after people had finished they put there name and room number on it to be laminated it.Overall it was really working with everyone making the bookmarks and they are all looking really good.

The care  value i showed was community by helping everyone making sure they were doing the right thing and being fair. I showed leadership by helping others and making sure they were having a good rime.

Excellence juniors must do

On Thursday  at lunch time instead of talking to my friends I went down to the juniors area very soon i found Morgan who was all dressed up for literary week she was very happy showing me her costume spinning around after talking to her for a while and then went and talked to some other kids complimented  there costumes. I could see every single kid I spoke to had put a real effort in there costumes.Overall it was really talking to everyone and seeing there costumes.
The care value I showed was community because I made sure I talked to everyone.
How I showed leadership was by being a role model to the younger kids by dressing up and being visible to them.

Excellence must do- Tech on the bus

Today it was Technology I think the bus drive went good because I was sitting next to Emma and we were only talking to each other even though Jessica was right in front of us. At technology it self we had a new rotation Mine was sewing/design we basically just went through sheets and trying to think of a problem and how to solve it Emma and I came up with when we are reading or going on our device our neck hurts from bending down and hurts our back so we are making a neck pillow. But before we can start it we ahve lots of planning to do and making of prototype. On the way home I sat with Emily and again we respected the rules of the bus.
The care value i showed was respect because I respected all the rules  and obeyed them.
The leadership trait I showed was active thinking because i made sure I followed all the rules

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.

Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are: