Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Taking action

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I can create something that teaches others about Gallipoli WW1

In this project I was working with Zainab and we decided to create a research project about What was women's role in WW1?

Here is a link what we made. ( Our planing)

To get to the final stage we went through a number of research here is link to planing.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Excellence Librarian

In the morning whenever I go into the library there are books everywhere,Box's everywhere.Basically there is alot going on at the moment.So unfortunately I can not do Librarian which is a real shame since I have enjoyed this so much.Here is a quick recap of my role at Oakland.It hasn't just been reading to Juniors its been numerous of different things, I am always helping out whenever I can.I have really enjoyed it the whole way.I also enjoyed it  because I always knew when the new books were ready.Overall  I have really enjoyed  my past two years of being Librarian and I hope net years7/8 will enjoy as much as I did.
How I showed leadership was by always doing my duty and  helping out.The care value I showed was community because I was again was always helping out:)

Excellence Librarian

 Again Miss Ward is still stocktaking which hopefully she will be over very soon so she can have a holiday of her own. The whole school is working hard to get all the classes book back. But due to all this there is no need for the library to be open.Which means I can't do librarian. But what I can do is help out in the mornings. Earlier in the term I used come before Miss Ward to set up the computers and help  return books and issue books out for those who come into the library Now Miss Ward comes before me so most of these jobs are already done yet still I make myself useful with various other things like returning books and sorting through boxes.
How I showed leadership was by helping out and making myself as useful as physically possible the CARE value I showed was Excellence because I gave 100% in everything that was thrown at me.

Excellence Leadership

As next week is the last week for House Points I am going to share what I am most likely going to write in the yearbook.Favourite moment? Was probably on of the third of fourth time I presented in assembly and i hadn't mucked up my word I hadn't got my hand gestures wrong I had gotten everything perfect.Hardest challenge? One of the big day like run,bike,run,Cross country ect; This was because i had to be in my own race and keep control of house point. I'm not much of multi-task person but I think I did pretty well.Proudest moment?This sounds simple but just purely being know and recognized around the school,Just really people knowing my name and recognizing me.
Overall it really has been a great year and I cant wait to I can look back at the times I was a leader at Oakland.
How I showed leadership was by taking the most out of my experience at Oakland.The care value I showed was  Excellence by really giving my best shot at everything .

Excellence Librarian

On Wednesday I went to the library where there are box and box of books which Mrs ward was giving away and I along with others got to keep some!As Mrs ward is still in the process of stock-taking.She gave us a list of  people in our who haven't returned there books.Zainab and I went and spoke to each person asking them to return books quickly.Out of all the Year 7/8 there are only eight people who need to return them.Hopefully all books should be returned soon.
I showed leadership by respecting everyone that I spoke too and didn't yell at them.the care value I showed was respect for the exact same reason.

Excellence Leadership

On Monday there was a leadership meeting which basically explained that we need to email our teacher that helps us with our role(In my case Mr Brown) If we needed to do anything for the yearbook.later that day I got a reply with a doc attached and you with your partner had to fill in favorite moment,hardest challenge and proudest moment.Reia and I should be filling this in next week.
This week Reia and I didn't have house points because we are going to have a massive count up on Thursday next week, These will be the final points for the year.
How I showed leadership was by making goo decisions on how the house points should run for the final week.The care value I showed was active thinking by making positive ideas towards house points.(Some of theses decisions was should we have two in one week or just one?)